Thursday, November 29, 2012

#1: Intro to Crushing Live Low-Stakes NLHE

Hi there!

Welcome to my blog!

I decided to make some informational blogs, and as it seemed fun to me, I decided to make a blog about crushing Live Low-Stakes (up to 2/5) No Limit Holdem! I guess this blog will look something like this:

  • Small part (~20%) technical talk: Like theory and Hand discussing
  • Pretty big part (~60%) meta-game talk: Importance of being friendly, things like that
  • Another small part (~20%) about random poker talk, like variance, stop-loss etc. 

There are lots of places where you can play some live poker. Most common and accessible for people are the Casino's. A lot of people there to have a good time, but also some people who play poker as a profession (regulars).

Obvious the most easy money you can get, is getting a lot in pots with people who come there to have a good time. Most of these people don't understand the game all that much, but saw some High Stakes Poker on TV and decided if these guys at TV can do it they also can.  They love to play every hand, and prefer limping. That's live poker: Limping Limping Limping. From here comes our core strategy: Playing ABC, and targeting the less-educated (pokerwise) people. 

Then there's another significant part from where we can make our money from. Exploiting the regulars. Low-stakes No Limit live regulars aren't good. Actually, they pretty much suck, and I'm a firm believer you can make more money from these "regulars" then playing against the people who come there to have a good time.

We're going to talk about exploiting regulars later, while we'll kick of with some ABC concepts.

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